Aquaponics and PVC Pipes

Recently someone mentioned to me that PVC pipes and aquaponics together… is not safe. I have an aquaponics system made with PVC piping. How could this be true? NO WAY!

At first I set out to prove this person wrong. It was just another horrible lie to turn people off eating good homegrown food.

However the more research I did on the Plastics industry and PVC, the more my heart sunk. Some of the chemicals in the manufacturing process with PVC are not GOOD!

Remember when science found out that lead in paint was bad? Well…lead is one of the main ingredients in PVC too. Were you aware of this? PVC can break down over time if it is exposed to the sunlight and lead ash could be passing from the grow beds to the fish tank of an aquaponics system.

Dioxin is a Class 1 Carcinogen. This is the chemical that is released when PVC is burned. PVC cannot be recycled either, so tons of it now sits exposed to the elements in landfills all over the world. Is lead ash leeching into the ground from PVC pipe? What do you think?

With all of these articles over PVC swimming through my head I decided to put a guide together for anyone to read. I placed 12 years of research in this guide and wanted to give people all the data. I am not telling you what to use in your aquaponics system, rather I am giving you a choice of alternative plastics too. Make your own decisions and pick up the guide today, in this FREE download. You might be surprised how much research I was able to uncover.

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